Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Well, everything went well with the D&C. It sure brought on a roller coaster of emotions. I have no idea how anyone can have an abortion and purposely kill a child at any stage or in any form of development.
Although I knew there was no fetus, the emotions and the changes hormonally were worse than after giving birth or even the 9 months of pregnancy; and anyone who has been pregnant or dealt with a pregnant woman knows what I mean.
With the D&C I had fear, guilt, sadness, shock, comfort, relief, stress, wonder, grief and sorrow, pain both physical and emotional all rolled into a few hours then days and then I had to be on my way with life as normal.
I hope that should anyone have to go through this challenging trial, that you are blessed with great support of a spouse and family as I am. Thank you everyone for the support and love.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This isn't a comment about the post... But, you can add links to your blog as well. Let me know if you want help doing that. (Jason)